About Us

Our mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus

Who we are

We are a diverse community of people from around the world, living in 10 surrounding towns on a journey to becoming a Christ-Centered, Acts 1:8 community. Maple Ridge Church is part of a larger community called the Christian and Missionary Alliance - a denomination committed to "All of Jesus for All the world" with 700+ international workers serving in hospitals, marketplace, relief work, and planting churches.

Explore the C&MA


Where we come from

Maple Ridge Church first began in Amherst, MA in 1986, and was originally named Amherst Alliance Church. It was

started by a group of students from the Alliance Christian Fellowship (a University of Massachusetts Christian student group) and a support group from the parent church, Greenfield Alliance Church in Greenfield, MA. When the church initially began, it was largely comprised of students of various ethnic backgrounds from around the world that attended UMASS Amherst.

Today, Maple Ridge continues to reach and care for college and international students from around the world. In addition, our community center welcomes hundreds of people weekly through our tennis courts and a variety of community groups who call our community center home.

Our Culture: L3

We call our culture here at Maple Ridge L3 - taken from Philippians 1:9-11

"I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ's return. May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation - the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ - for this will bring much glory and praise to God."

1. Love Deeply

If we aren't loving, then anything we do (even if extraordinary) is worthless according to I Corinthians 13. According to Scripture, love is the measure of spiritual maturity.

2. Learn Continually

Learning begins with a posture of humility and a desire to grow in our understanding of who Jesus is and the life he has called us to. Reading and studying the Bible in community with the guidance of the Holy Spirit helps us do just that. Knowledge is not our main goal, because knowledge without humility leads to pride. Pride divides and destroys fellowship. Transformation is our goal. Our denomination's theological tent majors on the majors and minors on the minors. We won't agree on everything, but we can learn from everybody.

"In essentials unity, non-essentials liberty, in all things charity. "

3. Live Expectantly

Jesus is our HOPE! Even though we experience brokenness and pain in our world, we are expecting Jesus to return as King and fulfill all of his promises. Jesus will make all things new and His justice and righteousness will defeat all of the powers of darkness. Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly" (John 10:10). We can live that abundant life today by surrendering our lives to Jesus and expecting his power to be displayed in our lives and through the Church - pushing back the darkness.